Sunday, October 23, 2011

Origami Lotus

Origami Lotus!

The paper I use though is square note paper cut in half, because I'm too lazy to cut it into the dimensions they tell us (4 x 7) cm.

Also, I use wire instead of string in holding it back together.

Etsy Link:

Origami Twirl Roses

All you need is some wire for the stem, scissors, and some square pieces of paper.


Please check out my shop on etsy! Where I like to sell a lot of origami :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Origami BookMark!

I saw this in someone else's blog, and I thought it'd be great to make! It's so pretty :)

All you need are about 7 pieces of paper, 5 for the flower, and 2 for the pocket.

Origami Curls Blue Lagoon

The photo cred goes to my friend Erica Peng :)
This ball is surprising sturdy, even though all that's holding it together is curled paper. I used toothpicks. Or course, no glue or tape.

Pieces: 30
Tools: Square paper notes and toothpicks.

Five Intersecting Tetrahedras


Man it took me so long to make this! I had to keep looking at the finished product and comparing it with mine.